Saturday, December 29, 2007

Worst Night Ever

I apologize for being away for so long. I've been busy trying to supplement my income with work outside of waiting tables. It's been tough. I've been doing some freelance graphic design work but it still isn't enough. So unfortunately for me this means I have to play serf for the rich bastards in Vero Beach who haven't got a clue.

Anywho, this evening turned out to be one for the bullshit books. Let me get started...I absolutely HATE working in a fucking restaurant. It doesn't matter which restaurant you work in, the bullshit is always the same. The number of people each server gets is seldom fair. Usually, some establishments try to keep the number of covers each server gets in the same ballpark. However, in my stupid little bistro we happen to have a shit-for-brains-hostess with boloney tits that seems to be mathematically-fucking-challenged. Who has the nerve to say to me "I love you", because she knew I was bullshit about being treated like a fricken mirage. As if "I love you" is gonna pay my bills! What an asshole.

In addition to dealing with a moronic hostess, we have to contend with the servers who are favored. We have one in particular that just makes my blood boil. This guy gets all the tables and makes the most tips from getting the most covers, period. And what kills me is he sports a MULLET. Yes, a salt and pepper mullet to boot! Which means that the mullet is ALIVE and WELL in Vero Beach my friends. I saw a dude in Walmart with one the other day. Then again, I am in florida, land of the rednecks.

So there you have it, my bitch for the night. I sure hope the new year brings in some better times at my shitty little bistro.
Happy New Year!

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